Cilfynydd Synchronous Condenser
Construction Phase Information and Latest News

What is a Synchronous Condenser? / Beth yw Cyddwysydd Syncronaidd?A synchronous condenser is ‘stability hardware’ which will stabilise the electricity supplied by low carbon sources like wind and solar. This is linked to a large ‘flywheel’, which draws power from the grid to enable it to spin. The spinning element then acts like a shock absorber if there is a fault, such as a lightning strike. Cyddwysydd Syncronaidd yw ‘caledwedd sefydlogi’ bydd yn sefydlogi’r trydan sy’n cael ei gyflenwi gan ffynonellau adnewyddadwy fel gwynt a solar. Mae hwn yn gysylltiedig â ‘flywheel’ mawr, sy’n tynnu pŵer o’r grid i’w galluogi i gylchdroi. Mae’r elfen sy’n cylchdroi yn ymddwyn fel amsugnwr sioc os oes problem er enghraifft trawiad mellt.
Why is it needed in addition to the existing substation? / Pam mae’n angenrheidiol yn ogystal â’r is-orsaf presennol?As we move into a zero-carbon world, electricity will increasingly be supplied by sources such as wind, solar and tidal. Renewable sources like this do not have the stabilising properties that coal and nuclear fired power stations have. Therefore, a standalone stability system like this facility is required as we move to low carbon sources for electricity supplies. Wrth i ni symud tuag at fyd di-garbon, bydd cyfran fwyfwy o drydan yn dod o ffynonellau megis gwynt, solar a’r llanw. Nid yw ffynonellau adnewyddadwy fel rhain yn cynnwys priodweddau sefydlogi fel sydd gan orsafoedd pŵer glo a niwclear. O ganlyniad, mae gorsafoedd sefydlogi annibynnol fel yr orsaf hon yn angenrheidiol wrth i ni gofleidio dulliau adnewyddadwy o gynhyrchu trydan.
Is the development connected to the Twyn Hywel Wind Farm or any other energy-related developments in the local area? / Ydy’r datblygiad yn gysylltiedig â’r Fferm Wynt Twyn Hywel neu unrhyw datblygiad sy’n gysylltiedig ag egni yn yr ardal leol?No. The synchronous condenser is a bespoke development that is being installed to stabilise the electricity grid and will connect into Cilfynydd Substation, in response to the National Grid Pathfinder 3 initiative. Whilst it will stabilise the grid to facilitate a greater role for renewable energy generation, the synchronous condenser is not being constructed specifically in connection with the Twyn Hywel Wind Farm, energy park or any other energy-related development in the local area. Nac ydy. Mae’r Cyddwysydd Syncronaidd yn ddatblygiad unigryw sy’n cael ei hadeiladu er mwyn sefydlogi’r grid a bydd yn cysylltu ag is-orsaf Cilfynydd, yn ymatebol i’r cynllun ‘Pathfinder 3’. Er bydd y datblygiad yn sefydlogi’r grid i alluogi gweithrediad cynyrchyddion egni adnewyddadwy, nid yw’r Cyddwysydd Syncronaidd yn cael ei hadeiladu yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig â Fferm Wynt Twyn Hywel, ‘Energy park’ neu unrhyw ddatblygiad egni arall yn yr ardal leol.
What have we been doing since planning permission was granted? / Beth rydym wedi bod yn gwneud ers i ni dderbyn caniatad cynllunio?Since planning permission was granted in December 2023 the Cilfynydd Synchronous Condenser project team has been working to make sure that everything is in place to allow construction to start on site. This has included finalising contracts with construction companies that are going to deliver the different elements of the development, discharging planning conditions and ensuring that all necessary permits and permissions are in place. Ers i ni dderbyn caniatâd cynllunio yn Rhagfyr 2023, mae tîm y prosiect Cyddwysydd Syncronaidd Cilfynydd wedi bod yn gweithio er mwyn sicrhau bod popeth yn ei le i alluogi cychwyniad adeiladu ar y safle. Bu hyn yn cynnwys drafftio contractau terfynol gyda’r cwmnïoedd adeiladu sydd am gwblhau elfennau gwahanol o’r datblygiad, cwblhau amodau cynllunio a chadarnhau bod pob caniatâd angenrheidiol wedi’u derbyn.
When will construction start on site and how long will it take? / Pryd bydd adeiladu ar y safle yn cychwyn a pa mor hir bydd adeiladu yn cymryd?The main construction works are due to start on site at the end of 2024, with construction taking around 18 months. The cable connection between the site and Cilfynydd Substation will start a couple of months sooner, in Autumn 2024. Mae’r brif gwaith adeiladu i gychwyn ar y safle ar ddiwedd 2024, gyda’r gwaith adeiladu yn cymryd tua 18 mis. Bydd y gwaith i gysylltu’r cebl rhwng y safle ac isorsaf Cilfynydd yn cychwyn ambell fis yn gynharach, yn nhymor yr Hydref 2024.
What will the construction working hours be? / Beth fydd oriau gweithio’r adeiladu?The site working hours and access times are set out in the Construction Traffic Management Plan. This states that construction vehicles will access and exit the site between the hours of 0800-1800hrs Monday to Friday and 0800-1300hrs on Saturdays. No works will be undertaken on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Where possible vehicle movements will be scheduled to avoid, or limit the number of movements, between the peak hours of 0830-1000hrs and 1530-1730hrs. Stakeholders will be given written notice of all exceptionally large or exceptionally heavy loads entering the site. These loads are known as ‘Abnormal Indivisible Loads’ (AILs) and they are carefully controlled and managed by a number of parties including the local highway authority and the police, who will also escort the deliveries to the site. Mae’r oriau gweithio a mynediad i’r safle ar gael yn y Cynllun Rheoli Traffig Adeiladol. Mae hwn yn dweud bod cerbydau adeiladol am ddod i mewn ac allan o’r safle rhwng 0800 – 1800 Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener ac 0800 – 1300 ar Ddydd Sadwrn. Ni fydd gwaith yn digwydd ar Ddydd Sul ac ar Wyliau Banc. Lle’n bosib, fe fydd symudiad cerbydau wedi’i gynllunio i osgoi, neu i leihau nifer y cerbydau sy’n symud rhwng yr oriau 0830-1000 a 1530-1730. Bydd rhanddeiliaid yn derbyn rhybudd ysgrifenedig pan fydd unrhyw lwythau eithriadol o fawr neu eithriadol o drwm yn cyrraedd y safle. Mae’r mathau yma o lwyth yn cael eu galw’n ‘Abnormal Indivisible Loads’ (AILs) ac maen nhw’n cael eu rheoli gan nifer o bartïon gan gynnwys yr awdurdod priffyrdd lleol a’r heddlu, a bydd y rhain hefyd yn hebrwng y cerbydau i’r safle.
What Environmental Impacts will there be? / Beth fydd yr effeithiau amgylcheddol?The proposed development includes extensive re-planting, using native species to enhance biodiversity and create new habitats within the site while also screening views of the development. During certain stages of the work an Ecologist will be on site to supervise and monitor, in accordance with the conditions of the Natural Resources Wales permit. The development does not generate any energy and has no emissions to air. Noise will be minimised through the design process, with acoustic mitigation such as insulation and acoustic barriers being an integral part of the development. Mae’r datblygiad yn cynnwys nifer o ail-blannu gan ddefnyddio rhywogaethau brodorol i wella bioamrywiaeth a chreu cynefinoedd newydd o fewn y safle wrth sgrinio’r olygfa o’r datblygiad. Mewn cyfnodau penodol o’r gwaith, bydd Ecolegydd yn bresennol ar y safle er mwyn goruchwylio a monitro, yn unol â’r amodau gosodwyd ar y caniatâd gan Gyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Nid yw’r datblygiad yn cynhyrchu unrhyw egni a does dim allyriadau i’r aer. Bydd sain yn cael ei leihau trwy’r broses dylunio, a bydd lliniaru acwstig megis ynysydd a rhwystrau acwstig yn hanfodol yn y datblygiad.
How will the development impact the local area? / Sut bydd y datblygiad yn effeithio’r ardal leol?The approved Construction Environmental Management Plan and Construction Traffic Management Plan set out the best practice working methods that will be followed to make sure that construction impacts are minimised. There will be a small number of Abnormal Indivisible Load deliveries. This delivery process will be carefully managed, and the deliveries will have a dedicated police escort. Advance notice of the date(s) and time(s) of these deliveries will be reported to all that may be affected. Should you have any concerns about the construction of the synchronous condenser please report them to the Project Team by e-mail: Mae’r Cynllun Rheoli Adeiladu Amgylcheddol a’r Cynllun Rheoli Traffig Adeiladol yn gosod y dulliau gweithio gorau a bydd yn cael eu dilyn er mwyn sicrhau bod effeithiau’r gwaith adeiladu ar yr ardal leol yn cael eu lleihau. Bydd nifer bach o gerbydau ‘Abnormal Indivisible Load’. Bydd y broses cludo'r rhain yn cael ei reoli yn agos, a byddant yn cael eu hebrwng gan drefniant heddlu penodol. Bydd pawb sy’n cael eu heffeithio yn derbyn blaen rhybydd o’r dydd(iau) ac amser(oedd) pan fydd y llwythau yma yn cael eu cludo. Os oes gennych bryderon am y gwaith i adeiladu’r cyddwysydd syncronaidd, codwch y rhain gyda thîm y prosiect trwy e-bost:
Will there be any local employment? / Bydd unrhyw cyflogaeth lleol?In alignment with its supplier code of conduct, Cilfynydd Grid Services Limited seeks to support local industry development wherever possible via local sourcing of workers and job creation. Due to the specialist nature of the development work, however, specialist teams of contractors are required, whether local or from other areas, and will need to be employed during certain periods of construction. Yn unol â’i god gweithredu fel cyflenwr, mae Cilfynydd Grid Services Limited yn ceisio cefnogi datblygiad diwydiant lleol lle’n bosib trwy ddefnyddio gweithwyr lleol a chreu swyddi. Ond, o ganlyniad i fath arbenigol y gwaith datblygu, mae angen timoedd arbenigol o gontractwyr, naill ai o’r ardal leol neu o ardaloedd eraill, a bydd rhaid cyflogi'r rhain am gyfnodau penodol o’r gwaith adeiladu.
How can I contact the project team? / Sut gallaf gysylltu â tîm y brosiect?A dedicated project e-mail address has been set up. This will be closely monitored by the Cilfynydd Synchronous Condenser project team and you will receive a response within 2-3 working days (standard) or 24 hours (for urgent enquiries). The e-mail address is provided below: Mae cyfeiriad e-bost penodol wedi’i sefydlu. Bydd hwn yn cael ei monitro gan dîm y prosiect Cyddwysydd Syncronaidd Cilfynydd a byddech yn derbyn ymateb o fewn 2-3 diwrnod gweithio (ymholiadau arferol) neu 24 awr (ymholiadau ar frys). Mae’r cyfeiriad e-bost ar gael isod:
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Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water has completed the water main diversion and reinstatement works in National Road.
​The synchronous condenser temporary construction compound has been set up in the ‘Fairview Field’, with the access, hardstanding areas and interim welfare facilities installed through November into December 2024. A perimeter fence has also been installed for safety and security purposes.
On the main development site, the initial topsoil strip has taken place and construction of the main access into the site has started. A perimeter fence has also been installed. Over the next two weeks site set-up preparations will continue, with the main earthworks scheduled to start w/c 27 January 2025.
​October 2024
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