Cilfynydd Synchronous Condenser
Construction Phase Information and Latest News

The Approved Development
The Cilfynydd Synchronous Condenser will be housed within an acoustically treated building designed to resemble a large agricultural shed. Externally there will be an electricity transmission compound, transformers and coolers. Below-ground cables will connect the facility to the adjacent Cilfynydd Substation. Control rooms that can be remotely operated are provided to enable the smooth running of the facility. The development has full back-up and safety systems.
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Entry to the site will be from a new access in the east of the site, to the south of the existing National Road junction. At this location the site boundary comprises bracken rather than hedgerow and trees. Aside from the creation of a cable connection corridor to Cilfynydd Substation, the remaining hedgerows and field margins to the site will be retained and the existing agricultural access in the northern boundary will be closed with suitable planting.
Finally, the development includes extensive native landscaping and sustainable drainage. This will enhance biodiversity and habitats within the site, whilst also helping to screen and filter views of the development.
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